Both biological parents, if living, must consent or agree to the adoption.
All parents consented to the termination of life; in 4 cases they explicitly requested it.
Stevens felt that since the parents consented to the opinion and wanted to use the state court, they should be allowed to do so.
On Sunday, their parents, who had just arrived from Japan, consented to have them taken off life support.
He demanded their young daughters too, and most parents consented.
The contract to be signed before admission requires all parents to consent to this policy.
However, in the case of young children knowledge of the fact that the parent has consented may help.
He tells them that if her parents do not consent to marriage, he will carry the girl off.
His parents consented, however, the lessons lasted only one week.
When the girl's parents formally consent to give their daughter's hand in marriage, both families agree on a date for the wedding.