At this time there were few options for parents of mentally or emotionally challenged children who were seeking help.
In other cases, children wielded so much authority in the household that their parents did not challenge them when they refused to go to school.
However, concerned parents and students from the school challenged the Board until they were added to the list of schools to attend.
The school board and black parents unsuccessfully challenged the lawsuit.
Any parents with children in a school could challenge the assignment of a child to that school.
Devi's parents challenged their engagement in court but they were allowed to go through with their marriage.
The federal special education law allows parents to challenge a school district's ruling that it can educate a child adequately.
The issue of public school financing has increasingly drawn states into court as more parents and school districts challenge finance systems.
But it agreed to delay the move at another school after parents challenged it in court.
The parents unsuccessfully challenged the proposal in an administrative review process.