A paranormal group was to have investigated this, but nothing was said about any results from the group's investigation.
She was, after all, a known member of a prominent paranormal terrorist group, and any sudden moves on her part would have to be taken as an attack.
They are the oldest paranormal investigative group in the West Midlands.
She described what she saw as a shifting attitude of these paranormal groups from a "sciencey-sounding" approach to a spiritual one.
The Ghost Club Society is a paranormal investigative group formed by Peter Underwood in 1994.
He said that other paranormal groups often got in over their heads with inhuman hauntings, and had to call in his crew to clean up the mess.
Together the three members make up a paranormal group of members who work in the horror movie industry.
The American Ghost Society is a paranormal investigative group which spans the entirety of North America.
A number of paranormal groups investigate the Inn on the 17 March but evidence is generally inconclusive.
They distinguish themselves from other paranormal groups by going into a case by claiming they wish to disprove a haunting.