Mikhalkov's most famous production to date, Burnt by the Sun (1994), was steeped in the paranoid atmosphere of Joseph Stalin's Great Terror.
Though this was distressing at the time, the experience helped create the paranoid atmosphere that saturates the film.
There is often a dark, paranoid atmosphere and unusual characters who formerly were normal members of society.
In this perfectionist and paranoid atmosphere, Gergen learned the bones of his craft.
They finally end up in the refugee town of Umuahia, where they suffer as a result of food shortages and the constant air raids and paranoid atmosphere.
This film finds that the grim, paranoid atmosphere of le Carre's novels has caught up with the movies.
They also account for a large part of the book's paranoid atmosphere.
In this grotesquely paranoid atmosphere, spies monitored Antonio in his jail cell to determine if he was secretly observing Jewish rituals.
"We're in a paranoid atmosphere," said Representative Leon Panetta, Democrat of California and chairman of the budget committee.
Blade Runners dark paranoid atmosphere - and multiple versions of the film - adds fuel to the speculation and debate over this issue.