President Álvaro Uribe is prepared to create a second safe haven for two rival paramilitary factions in southern Colombia on the condition that the groups declare an immediate cease-fire and begin disarming, his office announced on Monday.
This meant prisoners did not have to wear prison uniforms or do prison work, were housed within their paramilitary factions, and were allowed extra visits and food parcels.
Several other smaller paramilitary factions have appeared throughout the Troubles as well as cover-names used to deflect responsibility for attacks.
Some of the Chetniks wore the black jumpsuits and double-headed eagle badges of the paramilitary faction led by Zeljko Raznjatovic, described as a former agent for the Yugoslav intelligence service in Western Europe.
It had a paramilitary faction called the National Action Group (RAG, Riksaktiongruppen), and several of its members were convicted of assaults and threats.
Maria remained popular among the PPS and its paramilitary faction, and had helped Józef gain adherents amongst them.
THE UNEASY stand-off in the strategic Bosnian-Serbian border town of Zvornik collapsed yesterday as paramilitary factions fought for control of its deserted streets.
The congress does not regard Mr. Strydom - a member of a little-known paramilitary faction called the White Wolves - as a political prisoner, but as a racist psychopath.
The ceremony was choreographed by President Álvaro Uribe's government and clearly did not mean the end of the group, the United Self-Defense Forces, a 13,000-member federation of paramilitary factions.
In addition, I would like to denounce categorically the trade in weapons and ammunition with organised bands and paramilitary factions.