As the guards started forward and the members continued to sit in paralyzed silence, Ramisson rose and walked haltingly to the center of the main aisle to face Sterm.
Then, horribly loud in the paralyzed silence, Marius screamed.
A hand grasped my arm and I squeaked- which was an improvement over paralyzed silence, but still not very effective.
But this hope was not answered: the moment the guests arrived, a paralyzed silence descended, bidding fair to continue throughout the meal.
All in an instant while I could only stay mute in paralyzed silence.
That sound somehow shattered the barrier that had stood between them and the obvious-but-unacceptable, and Corin and Garth stood in a paralyzed silence within which their thoughts raged.
Today, perhaps, there would be no conversation, only a paralyzed silence; but in 1985, hijackers had a history of at least making overtures toward negotiation.
The four of them had sat in paralyzed silence as the old man made his long, slow way up the corridor to his study.
Chapter 10 Tommyknockers, Knocking at the Door There was a moment of paralyzed silence in Bobbi's kitchen following the misfire of Ev Hillman's old .45, a silence that was as much mental as it was physical.
Ten seconds of paralyzed silence all around, broken at last by the nearby sound of the Lucky Chuck, duckling.