With the paralyzed muscles and the difficulty he had putting words together, watching him try to speak was painful.
A waking nightmare in which his sword lay beside him in the sand, too heavy for his paralyzed muscles to wield?
A splint is often used in cases of neurapraxia because it is able to maintain a relaxed position of the paralyzed muscle.
But her paralyzed muscles refused to respond, and she stood mute and rigid, staring with ghastly countenance at the living death creeping toward them.
Mym extended his will and took over the boy's paralyzed muscles.
Nerve impulses return to the formerly paralyzed muscle within a month, and recovery is usually complete in six to eight months.
At the flash the winner disengaged himself from the loser, and stood by until the latter had recovered the use of his paralyzed muscles.
She took a deep breath, which made the paralyzed muscles in her chest flinch with pain, and managed to croak, "Say please."
Barbie frowned without changing expressions, the paralyzed muscles in her forehead smooth and uncommunicative.
Recent research shows that combining brain-computer interface and functional electrical stimulation can restore voluntary control of paralyzed muscles.