The new elevated road crosses three parallel valleys with signature bridges.
The dip slope of the chalk is incised by seasonal streams or winterbornes, which have formed several roughly parallel valleys aligned north to south.
To the south of the city the Berchtesgaden National Park stretches along three parallel valleys.
Nearby Lake Hawea lies in a parallel valley carved by a neighbouring glacier eight kilometres to the east.
These two branches flow through parallel valleys so alike that it seemed to Black they should have had the same kind of development: "Yet the divide was absolute.
Gentler slopes and parallel valleys flow down to the south, the largest of which is the so-called Nagy-völgy (Great Valley).
Nearby Lake Wanaka lies in a parallel glacial valley eight kilometres to the west.
The Mainland section is divided into two districts by a hill ridge, and comprises two parallel valleys (nearly at right angles from the ridge).
The eastern part of the region is within the Ridge and Valley physiographic province, where long, steep-sided mountain ridges alternate with parallel broad, flat valleys.
The relief is segmented by many parallel valleys, while the villages are on the top of the hills, separated by forest areals.