The slightly tapered wing was braced from the lower fuselage by pairs of parallel struts.
The wings were of two-bay construction with parallel struts, staggered and swept.
The typical design has four parallel struts.
The wing features dual parallel struts and jury struts, but has no spoilers or other glidepath control devices.
The tailplane, placed on top of the fuselage, was braced to it with pairs of parallel struts and carried twin fins and rudders.
On the water, lateral stability was provided by fixed, flat bottomed floats mounted on the wing at mid-span on pairs of parallel struts.
The wings lack spoilers of other glide-path control devices and are supported by dual, parallel struts.
The wing is strut-braced with two parallel main struts and jury struts per side.
The high wings were semi-cantilevers, unsupported apart from pairs of parallel struts from the fuselage bottom edge to the wing close to the fuselage.
It had constant chord, rounded tips and significant dihedral and was braced from above with two parallel struts on each side to the upper fuselage longerons.