The parallel plots didn't mesh, he explained, because he doesn't really believe that social parallels can be drawn between the two eras.
The episode relates three parallel plots, in intertwining scenes.
The parallel plots are craftily developed, and individual members of the grieving families are given some sadly human character flaws.
A parallel plot involving a powerful mobster played by Charles Durning adds tension but not much depth.
Thus we have two parallel plots, and history repeats itself against a contemporary background.
It also has a parallel plot about three street kids trying to live life in abject poverty.
A parallel plot is Prentice's gradual transition from an adolescent fixation on one young woman to a more mature love for another.
Lots of parallel plots going on - just like Forbrydelsen in that way.
Maybe, with her convoluted, parallel plots, Miss James can be simplified for television only at the price of confusion.
Each of the parallel plots is lively, sometimes amusing and slight.