Stargill had described the marriage as the parallel movement of two busy roommates.
Basic Points Value tells us how much money the positions will gain or lose for a 0,01% parallel movement in the yield curve.
The advantage of three dimensions is that they allow parallel movement through space and time, which is essential to experience.
This has brought a parallel movement, without convergence.
In Europe, structuralism is seen as a parallel movement to American postmodern architecture.
In law, the humanists were a parallel movement, seeking a return to classical Roman law.
From 1920 to 1930 different parallel movements developed in The Netherlands:
What is there to prevent a parallel movement of all the civilised Powers in the world towards a common ideal and assimilation?
Indeed, ending export subsidies is now made conditional on parallel movement from other industrialised countries.
At the same time, a parallel movement was emerging in Europe.