The Rock and Pillars are a horst range, caused by movement on two parallel faults uplifting the area in between.
Straight rilles follow long, linear paths and are believed to be grabens, sections of the crust that have sunk between two parallel faults.
The basin is a graben (a downdropped block which subsided between parallel faults).
In geology, a graben is a depressed block of land bordered by parallel faults.
Graben are produced from parallel normal faults, where the hanging wall is downthrown and the footwall is upthrown.
A number of parallel faults still runs roughly parallel with the coast, having formed during the Gondwanaland rifting when South America separated from Africa.
There is major fumarolic activity, located on parallel faults, some with 100-m uplifts.
In early October, there was a cluster of small earthquakes near Paso Robles near a parallel fault to the west.
Where segments share relative plate motion with parallel faults, the slip rate is less than it would otherwise be.
A fault block mountain is a mountain or range formed as a horst when it was elevated between parallel normal faults.