Using the tip of the knife, make a series of parallel cuts through the avocado flesh but not through the skin.
Because state tax collections are indirectly linked to those at the federal level, the Bush administration's tax cuts have fed through to the states as parallel cuts.
But a moment later, one of the Implementor's officers came hurtling out of the fog, his face bleeding freely from four parallel cuts.
Each palm bore two thin, parallel cuts.
Henry was easing a blade through a nine-by-nine pan of brownies, making parallel cuts.
If taxes are cut without parallel cuts in Federal spending, she said, it will put "enormous upward pressure on interest rates."
Slice - a section through the sample with two parallel cut faces.
The Count's frozen face was petrified and ashen and the blood still poured down the parallel cuts.
Begin by making two parallel cuts, one above and one below the damaged area, between the studs or joists.
Mr. Harding stitches layers of silk together and then slashes the fabric in parallel cuts.