There are numerous similar possibilities, especially in Brooklyn and Manhattan, with their many parallel bus and subway lines.
In a parallel bus, there is one longitudinal redundancy check bit per parallel signal.
Only parallel bus device released by Atari.
It was intended for use with any S-100 computer, but could be used with any computer via a parallel bus.
Sometimes the strobe can use a dedicated physical wire in the bus (example, the strobe pin in the parallel bus).
Since timing skew over a parallel bus can amount to a few nanoseconds, the resulting bandwidth limitation is in the range of hundreds of megahertz.
PCIe is just one example of a general trend away from parallel buses to serial interconnects.
IEEE-488 is an 8-bit, electrically parallel bus.
If more than 32 devices need to communicate, the network can be expanded across parallel buses using DMX splitters.
The original SCSI-1 version of the parallel bus was 8 bits wide (plus a ninth parity bit).