From 1980, Introvigne also developed parallel activity as an intellectual-property attorney.
Each phase consists of a set of prescribed, cross-functional, and parallel activities undertaken by a team of people from different functional areas.
This involves the original holiday firm generating parallel activities itself.
In reality, it is not a cycle, but a series of parallel activities.
He suggested that the recommendation be worded in such a manner that this effort does not seem to be a parallel activity.
It is not necessary that the parallel activities are executed at the same time.
The machines, applications or processes being modelled by state logic will usually contain more than one 'task', representing several different and possibly parallel activities.
In his last years, Melli will continue a parallel activity of painter and art critic.
What are we to think when a waste disposal company produces glucose syrup as a parallel activity?
In "Introduction," he offers a technical tour de force as he starts out separating two parallel activities: speaking and demonstrating movements.