When composing it's best not to think too much about where paragraphs begin and end; the trick is to let nature take its course.
The paragraph ends with a sentence that plays on the word "liberated" as applied to war, and unexpectedly describes parents' influence on their children as "pernicious."
The next paragraph ends with a slur at the French, but I have reasons for thinking you mistook it for a compliment.
The paragraph could have ended there, but Hannah chooses to continue: "Cautious, polite, gone milky and holy in the head, abstracted into kindness."
The third italicized paragraph ends this section with Darl's announcement to Jewel that Addie is dead.
The paragraph ended with a brief reference to Mr. Ingles' long and distinguished service in China.
The paragraph ends with a mission statement: "Consumer engineering does not end until we can consume all we can make."
The paragraph ends with the narrator in pain.
This is a play on the joke that all the "adult" things happen after a paragraph ends in an ellipsis.
It is also proposed that the same paragraph should end with 'the parties' economic and trade relations'.