Titan is a "paradise" planet where there's no rule or no law.
I-ah-want to go with Thora and my friend to a little out of the way system where there is a sort of paradise planet.
But the paradise planet Treet and his companions are promised is a nightmare world locked in a spiral of hate, fear and death.
There were many paradise planets in the Old Empire, probably many more among the people of the Scattering.
They are dropped off on Tauri - a paradise planet for retired Imperial officers and their families.
At cloud-top level, Venus is the paradise planet.
Either Pepe would make his move - or I would sail on to my billionaire's paradise planet.
Oakes' desire for a paradise planet vanished when she confronted that seascape.
Ship's history was cloudy with migrations and hints at a paradise planet somewhere awaiting humankind.
This was a paradise planet and unbelievably expensive.