At the airport the other day, I noticed that they had perhaps 20 paperback titles to choose from.
The book and its sequels remain popular paperback titles.
As the lending library market began to subside under an increasing onslaught of cheap paperback titles, Mills and Boon themselves moved into paperback production.
Armada Books was an imprint used to publish paperback titles from 1962 until 1995.
It is possible to believe in some such abbreviated nation if you study the paperback titles and commercial best sellers at any popular bookstore.
A bit of oversell occurred with the hardback at £9.99, but it turned out alright, and I do think this is very much a paperback title.
The Dream Ends in Fury (1949) (paperback title: Outlaw Vengence)
It publishes original paperback titles as well as paperback reprints of books issued initially in hardcover by the other Crown imprints.
It currently prints over 200 new paperback titles per year.