That year, paperback romances totaled $300 million in sales, and the total audience was estimated at 20 million readers.
What's the name of that blond hunk on all the paperback romances?
It is a formula that has worked for the 56-year-old writer, who two years ago made the transition from paperback romances to hardcover novels.
Supermarkets, long the domain of paperback romances, pulp thrillers and astrology guides, are the new frontier of book selling.
A tired-looking woman manned the information desk, a paperback romance open in front of her.
"You've been reading too many paperback romances!"
A thick paperback gothic romance, Hearts in Atlanta by Stephanie King.
Another Canadian company, Harlequin, is the undisputed queen of paperback romance.
She had great hope that the thick paperback romance whose cover promised plenty of passion and adventure would steer her mind to other venues.
The general store sold chiefly fishing tackle, beach balls, and paperback romances.