This edition is the second in Penguin Classics' series of paperback collections.
The comic was initially published as the only original story in the Secret Origins trade paperback collection.
Six paperback collections of the strip have been published:
In this paperback collection, the strips were reformatted to one panel per page.
Dozens of paperback collections have been published since 1965, and some titles are still in print as of 2010.
Edge City continues to run in papers throughout the country, and a paperback collection was published in 2007.
The following tables show all French paperback collections released so far, with information about English releases.
The paperback collection ranked third in the top 100 graphic novels for the August 2006 period with pre-order sales of 7746.
The storyline became the first of the Cerebus "phone book" paperback collections to be published.
That book "and the paperback collection of the Watergate transcripts are my two favorite books."