Pressmen said the paper had torn as the press started - a common occurence - and it was threaded through again.
For a while, until the tape dirtied or the paper tore, store owners kept a scratchy sketch of him taped to their windows.
In the storeroom/office, papers torn and scattered, a filing cabinet emptied upon the floor - but no cat.
But the panel said it was concerned that, over time, the fabric or paper covering may tear, exposing the user to a sharp metal edge.
He felt the paper tear beneath his fingers.
The paper tore, and he rolled it into a tight ball.
When the tear is aligned with the direction of the fibers, the paper will tear evenly.
When the tear is opposed to the direction of the fibers, the paper will tear unevenly, in a jagged line.
The papers torn and the box is damaged, but there's still something terrific in there.
"But sometimes it won't, and the paper will tear."