But the resilience of the humble paper coupon appears particularly remarkable.
Some marketing experts say that while old habits resist change, the demise of the paper coupon is a sure thing.
What I don't want is a paper coupon good for a dollar off something.
"States are destroying the paper coupons, and we don't anticipate that we'll ever have to print them again."
By contrast, he said, "it was sometimes embarrassing" to use paper coupons.
Robbin Smoke, 44, said she would prefer to have the paper coupons.
At check-in an agent issued a paper boarding coupon, the first sign of cost-cutting.
More than 335 billion paper coupons were distributed last year, with 3.7 billion being redeemed for a total of $3.1 billion.
Recipients say the program is much safer than the old system and reduces the stigma associated with cumbersome paper coupons.
But redemption of paper coupons has leveled off since 1986.