The paper officially apologized the next day and the incident spawned a panel discussion on diversity.
One paper apologized and said it had misquoted Mr. Mubarak.
The two papers unreservedly apologised for "distress, embarrassment and damage" caused by them.
But earlier this week, the Iranian Embassy in Berlin demanded that the paper apologize for the cartoon.
A newspaper photograph, taken minutes later, was so gruesome that the paper later apologized for running it.
The paper later apologized for Albert's articles.
The paper later apologized, but was successfully sued by the firm for libel.
The paper eventually apologized to the Paredes family for the original, inaccurate headline of the article.
After evidence of more hacking and more payments to shady private investigators begins to mount, the paper apologizes.
The paper also reported that Cheney has still neither publicly nor privately apologized to Whittington for the shooting.