In the crowd were her customers, many of the same people who figure in paparazzi photos and gossip columns.
The website's signature is in the large block pink letters that are used to add comments to paparazzi photos.
They have never posed for press photographers or walked a red carpet together, though numerous paparazzi photos of the pair exist.
A blown-up paparazzi photo from Skybar appeared on the tube.
Other than occasional paparazzi photos, she has since remained out of the public eye.
It is, in effect, the opposite of a paparazzi photo, a photo taken by a stranger with an element of surprise.
Also paparazzi photos of the three were shot and leaked into the internet.
Today, with surveillance cameras, it is the subterfuge, the invisibility of the photographer that defines the paparazzi photo.
The influence on fashion of even the least artful paparazzi photo is inescapable, because the photos are of icons.
In 2012, she was the subject of paparazzi photos by the Daily Mail, focusing on her 'enviable' bikini figure.