It was modelled on Rome's St Peter's, although the dome is slightly shorter due to a papal intervention.
The female Jewish victims of this ritual murder accusation were tortured, but freed from prison in 1478 due to papal intervention.
In any case, the papal intervention, such as it was, did not alter the fact that the bulk of identifiable Catholic opinion was anti-Dreyfus.
A siege of the castle was started, but through papal intervention King Henry later entered on a more conciliatory path.
Other condemnations represent new papal interventions on matters that had been freely disputed among Catholic scholars and theologians before that time.
Thereafter, with some temporary retreats, papal intervention increased.
Philip invaded the Berry and Henry mobilised a large army which confronted the French at Châteauroux, before papal intervention brought a truce.
Departing for England, de Breauté was captured in Burgundy by an English knight he had once imprisoned, but papal intervention yet again saw his release.
Although sacrifices on that scale have not been required since, on several occasions it has taken papal intervention to save the guards from annihilation.
Numerous changes followed, either by way of decree from the Sacred Congregation of Rites, or through direct papal intervention.