Kantar Media uses a nationwide panel size of 2,609 urban and rural homes.
So, having decided on the size of the aquarium you wish to build, head for your local glass merchant with the panel sizes you need.
The panel size is limited only by the allowable shipping weight, which depends on the mode of transportation.
Adjustments to the manufacturing process can impart differences in thickness, panel size, strength, and rigidity.
Not statistically powerful therefore relatively large panel sizes required to obtain sufficient confidence.
Now each has a panel size of 4,200 patient lives, as they're called.
And the only way we could do that was to limit panel size.
(The 5 percent of his current panel size who have only Medicare translates to more than 200 patients.)
Although it isn't 2560x1600 "true" pixels, I think it won't matter at a panel size of 10".
Other panel sizes may also be available.