An independent panel overseeing the city's books could give the District something it has not had for years - credibility.
Established by the university in September 1988, the panel will oversee the policy's interpretation and enforcement.
The panel also oversees water projects, many environmental issues and even management of wildlife refuges.
An independent panel overseeing the changes in the system will review the plan and either approve it or ask the state for revisions.
A panel of senior department members oversees how forfeiture money is allocated.
Under the compromise, 30 countries on a 51-member panel overseeing the treaty would have to agree to an inspection of suspect activity.
The panel oversees military morale, welfare and recreation.
The three-judge panel overseeing the counsel law initially ruled that accusations about Clinton officials were too flimsy to be made public.
Each president could appoint one member to a panel overseeing land use, for example, and each could challenge the renewal of city contracts.
A three-member panel will oversee the agreement.