The panel chosen to judge the fate of Michael F. Griffin, 32, is composed of seven women, five men and two female alternates.
He got 23 of 28 first-place votes and 125 points from a panel chosen by the Baseball Writers Association of America.
The Senate bill calls for binding arbitration of the disputes by a three-member panel chosen by the railroad and unions.
The money will be dispersed by a seven-member advisory panel chosen by Ms. Watkins.
Last Wednesday, a three-member panel, chosen by the company and the employment commission to monitor the plant, issued its second annual report.
A panel of three judges, chosen from people interested in the arts in Taos, must have no professional interest in poetry.
The prize winner is decided by a 10-person judging panel chosen by IMNZ.
A squad was selected from players in various leagues in October each year by a panel chosen by the magazine.
A panel chosen by the convention organizers included two editors.
Three Wise Men: The contestant asks a sequestered panel chosen by the sponsor which answer they believe is correct.