For the first time in the long history of the Law Lords, a decision was scrapped and a new panel appointed.
In the coming weeks, as Congress and a panel appointed by President Reagan pursue their separate investigations, that scrutiny is sure to intensify.
The law allows a panel of three judges to appoint such a prosecutor when there seems to be a need to investigate allegations against someone in the executive branch.
The panel appoints its own chairman.
In April an advisory panel appointed by Joseph Fernandez, then Schools Chancellor, also called for better coordination of school safety programs.
The panel could pick one of the partisan plans or appoint a "special master" to draw a new plan, which the judges would then have to approve.
In his place, Judge Sentelle's panel appointed someone with not an apparent but a real and blatant conflict of interest.
Judge Sentelle's panel appointed Donald Smaltz, another Republican activist, to investigate Espy.
In cases of vacancy, a panel of county judges appoints members to fill seats.
The panel must select and appoint the head of the Department of Internal Affairs, who should hold office for not more than four years.