Cerebral palsy victims now get £6m each - three times the amounts courts awarded a decade ago.
Shaking like a palsy victim, Carey sat up, fished the phone out of her pocket, and pressed the button to turn it on.
Shaking like a palsy victim, he climbed into the tub and turned the shower on full blast, letting the hot water pound the cold out of his bones.
But no, her joints were flexing again, and the girl smiled at them, that heartbreakingly happy smile that made palsy victims so beautiful at times.
Kirk shuddered and tried to inch along, like a palsy victim himself, with Spock working toward him from the other end.
She twitched like a palsy victim.
Or a 53-year-old cerebral palsy victim from Alabama: "It is my wish to die.
Or the Illinois woman, another palsy victim: "This is not living.
The cerebral palsy victim in the story is orphaned.
Like her body had lost its bones and she was some sort of palsy victim.