Her mouth became dry, and there was a moment of fear, of a palpitating heart.
Being now assured of her absence, I returned with a palpitating heart to the scene of my disaster.
I've got a palpitating heart right now, just thinking about Juanny!
Whining angrily, sending a stab of stark fear into her palpitating heart.
There the boy remained, with a palpitating heart, for half an hour.
"You scared me to death," I said, hand pressed to my palpitating heart.
Everybody was satisfied; and she was left to the tremors of a most palpitating heart, while the others prepared to begin.
A pause, long enough for my palpitating heart to beat a half-dozen times.
I felt my blood pressure rising by the minute and my palpitating heart going haywire.
Wilson had the gift of going straight to the altogether too palpitating heart of the business.