There was a heartiness to the fans' roaring, a palpable feeling of warmth.
It was as if the water vapor created a palpable feeling of despair.
A palpable feeling of reverence is detected among viewers.
There was a prosperity about the place and a palpable feeling of lightness.
I don't know how long this went on, but a palpable feeling of expectation was growing in the room.
He had felt it too, the heavy dampness in the air, the almost palpable feeling of electrical charge.
It's naïve to think women don't feel the same way, he said, adding that there's a palpable feeling when women first meet the automobile.
And there was also a palpable feeling that many other technologies were pushing hard against their boundaries.
An almost palpable feeling of happiness filled the ship.
But reading the new Observer also provides a palpable feeling of loss.