"There is this palpable fear everywhere you go."
Her eyes were wide open, staring up at him, her fear so palpable he could feel it crawling inside his skin.
There was a palpable fear in the room, and Sara felt a sudden coldness overwhelm her.
At the end of the 90's, its success was generating palpable fear in traditional companies.
For people to stop using or selling drugs, he said, there must be "more of a palpable fear of punishment."
He stared at Chamoun's open face, at the green eyes wide with palpable fear.
The audience was unfrightened for her; even without a safety net, there was no palpable fear that she could fall.
This was the real and palpable fear of every seaman.
The palpable fear in their reaction made a mockery of their denial.
The Yankees, who operate on palpable fear, are now suffering from dry rot, both psychological and athletic.