Therefore with the opening of the 14th century a palpable change of style supervenes.
Despite the current palpable change here, there is a sense of a humble past in this high-up neighborhood.
Even technology cooperated with the palpable change: it was the year the compact disc was introduced.
There was a palpable change in attitude in the antiwar and black power movements after this.
But the sense of at least a potential recovery has been magnified by palpable changes on the street.
In short, the change of ownership at Palio has yet to yield palpable changes.
There was an almost palpable change in the spirit of the room as a new emotion swept the group: hope.
Nevertheless, recent shifts in government policy and culture have brought about a palpable change that holds some promise for the artists' colony.
He was already several thousand feet up, and there had been a palpable change in the humidity as well as the heat.
The room hadn't exactly grown quieter, but there was a palpable change of atmosphere.