In it Seurat's dots form a kind of scrim: a palpable atmosphere of colored molecules in which figures are only slightly more concentrated than the air around them.
Mr. Iacobellis's handsome black-and-white landscape photographs balance formalism with palpable atmosphere to produce romantic vignettes of deserted places.
You certainly do need to like garlic to appreciate its charms and survive the palpable atmosphere of allium, but the wilder oddities (like the garlic beer) are strictly optional.
When she returned, there was a palpable atmosphere of suspense.
She remembered Willie's genuinely uneasy look, remembered the almost palpable atmosphere of predatory hunger in the harem as he said, 'No thanks, Your 'ighness.
Which is not to say that the conception is bland; Paul Shortt's sets, with their sun-worn Mediterranean colors and rugged surfaces, shroud the action in palpable atmosphere.
It was shabby but when he stepped into the dark room he found himself in one of those quiet bars where the customers sit in a palpable atmosphere of sanctuary.
Her most effective studies combine painterly dash with palpable atmosphere, for example in "Windswept," and her "Four Seasons" variations on a single view.
The palpable atmosphere of peace in there was just amazing.
There was still that keen sense of anticipation in the air, an almost palpable atmosphere of mounting excitement.