Things were worked out; Aunt Gracie raised him, and he went on to become the fairly respected head of the paleontology department in the semi-podunk portion of the state university system where we both teach.
In 1979, Tanke began working for Philip J. Currie in the paleontology department of the Provincial Museum of Alberta, originally as a volunteer.
Even after his retirement, Woods remained at the university as a librarian for the paleontology department until he was over eighty.
"Well, no, I'm not aware of any government request for the Mosasaurus," said Philippe Taquet, director of the museum's paleontology department.
A series of inquiries had led her first to the paleontology department, then to the preparation lab in the basement.
Even the manual sieve being operated by two assistants from the paleontology department of Witwatersrand - to find smaller bones from lizards and frogs - seemed like a throwback.
But it soon became clear to the paleontology department of Kenya's National Museum that Mr. Kimeu had an uncanny ability.
In 1857, the paleontology department was founded, and 1854 a department of petrography and general geology was added.
The boys brought it to Edwin H. Colbert, then the chairman and curator of the museum's vetebrate paleontology department.
Mr. Ellis, an unpaid member of the paleontology department at the American Museum of Natural History in Manhattan, where he has an office, researches the habitat, activities and daily lives of animals, past and present.