Drizzt leaned over the forward rail and looked into the pale blue waters of the southern seas.
Sam shuffled along, clutching hard, and looking down into the pale eddying water as if it was a chasm in the mountains.
On pale water, in a white boat sat a fair woman.
In the foreground is a pleasant, almost postcard-pretty scene of children and adults in the pale blue water.
They came to the end of the Glissade after four hours and floated in the pale waters of a great bitter lake.
Alexander now floated near it, on his back, arms outstretched, hair waving under pale green water.
The pale green water usually shows there's a sandy bottom.
The orange and yellow flames shone against the pale green water.
A jet of pale brown water shot out, splashing against her fingers.
He looked round and then walked over to the windows and stood near Poirot, looking out at the pale blue water.