The leaves were all pale tan by now, waiting only the buffeting of rain to fall to the ground.
She was extraordinarily pretty, her eyes blue-green, her skin pale tan.
I took his hand, and that pale golden tan looked darker against the paleness of my skin.
Her skin was a clear pale tan; her features could not have been more exquisitely formed.
The cap surface is smooth and white, sometimes with a pale tan- or cream-colored tint in the center.
On another night, blackened catfish was more pale tan than black and definitely on the mild side.
Their color is whitish, becoming pink-tinged, turning pale tan with age.
Their ground color varies from pale tan or ash gray to deep brown or green.
Very low land, pale tan, with what looked like mangrove here and there against the water.
The basic body color is creamy white to pale tan but can become a mottled dark purple-brown.