Back of the shore lay a palatial white villa.
It's going to be gorgeous, the theme being a palatial Italian villa.
If you approach from the lake, the palatial villa with its terracotta roofs and butter-coloured walls dominates the view.
The gates to the palatial villa were locked, and they pounded on the grating.
Nero wailed pathetically, and then went from door to door in the palatial villa to find them.
There was another walled and apparently palatial villa, one of a number set in a circle inside the inner ring.
His brothers built palatial villas on the hilltops overlooking the village.
"We were always dealing with the state, but now there is no state," he said, sitting in the marbled receiving room of his palatial villa.
That evening, Tom and his companions had dinner with some of the mining company's staff at Macklin's palatial, palm-shaded villa.
But according to a Web site run by the broker selling the home, the estate is "a palatial villa" with "an exceptionally well-flowing floor plan."