It could have passed for a palace, or at least a palatial estate.
But if a spirit chooses to be in a palatial estate, it must have the consciousness to create it.
He maintained also a palatial estate in New Jersey, but was seldom at home.
In the early 20th century, the Turnblads started to plan the building of their palatial estate.
They drove on, soon arriving at a palatial estate containing a building that was a cross between a hotel and a cathedral.
Several of the palatial estates he built with his second wife have been demolished in the years since his death.
The palatial estates and mansions along the drive were also undamaged by the fire.
Later, when they drive to her palatial estate, he gushes, "This is fantastic."
The panel wasn't interested in helping people buy boats or palatial estates.
A further 600 people work on the industrial estate (palatial estates for upper management) at the plant site.