Frequently used as the palace ballrooms, they formed a processional route, and were the focus of the imperial court.
The palace ballroom had been decorated by Queen Iris, naturally.
There was a picnic luncheon in one of the huge estate's many gardens, a polo game, and billiards and cards in a gaming room the size of a palace ballroom.
Subtle Vaerish twilight yielded before the hard-edged splen-dor of a palace ballroom.
With the addition of props - cream-white columns, gold doors, lace curtains - it can be transformed into a palace ballroom, a music salon or whatever.
After the interment, the crown repaired to the palace ballrooms, to feast and chant and grieve aloud and loudly recount the deeds and merits of the late Nezahualpili.
His nimbleness around the three clever stage sets, Sophie's room, the BFG's Cave in the Giant's Country, and the palace ballroom, made one forget he was just an ordinary person.
Jodl said, still stiffly, "Nummer Ein awaits you in the palace ballroom."
The grand polonaise has never looked more spectacular, an elegant processional spread across the vast Met stage as if it were a Russian palace ballroom.
The palace ballroom, floored in black marble shot with gold and curtained in crimson velvric, was lined with elaborately carved furniture and statuary.