Eight Irisis screamed as the pair of lyrinx leapt through the door; she couldn't help herself.
At Hub's growled bidding, a pair of gangsters leaped forward and entered the building.
Startled, the pair leaped forward together and within half a dozen strides they were both at full gallop.
Kiril looked back and saw a pair of Mediwevans leap from a sidestreet and ride hard after.
Some swung their guns to aim at Marjorie and her father, while a pair leaped toward the library door.
The pair that had wakened me now leaped from the field station to the trailer and settled on opposite ends of the roof.
At their side was a lacquer screen on which a pair of tigers, lords of the earth, leapt over lush foliage.
Off to port a pair of small fish playfully leaped out of the water and splashed down again.
He snapped his fingers, and a pair of men leaped from the second wagon, swords drawn.
A pair of ' iguanas leaped upward against the window in the weightlessness and were quickly joined by ten to twenty humans.