Two pairs of red eyes gleamed from horizontal slits, looking nothing at all like the faceted eyes of insects.
One pair of eyes gleamed ceaselessly, as if lighting the way into a warm night.
Two pairs of powerful headlights gleamed eye to eye as they swung in from the curve of an incline.
After what seemed an interminable period a pair of orange lamps gleamed in the distance, sped toward him.
And a pair of eyes gleamed ahead, orange as live coals, and as deadly.
Through that inscrutable countenance gleamed a pair of sharp, brilliant eyes, that faced the inspector unflinchingly.
Several pairs of eyes gleamed with excitement.
Another pair of lights gleamed from an incoming road.
Far in the distance a pair of headlights gleamed, disappeared when the ground dipped, appeared again.
I caught a rustle of movement among the shrubs, and a pair of eyes gleamed briefly red with reflected light from our lantern.