The painting, valued in 2002 at approximately $500,000, was on the National Gallery of Victoria's wish list for many years.
Six contemporary paintings, valued at $500,000, were stolen from a Manhattan art gallery over the weekend, the police said yesterday.
A painting valued at $10,000 was spattered when office walls were painted in the department's Washington headquarters.
Two early paintings by Jackson Pollock, valued at $150,000 each, were reported missing by the owners.
In 1889, Scripps donated 70 European paintings, valued at $75,000 at the time.
The painting, valued at about $450,000, was returned to the Birmingham Museum more than a month ago.
If you own a painting valued by an independent appraiser at $1 million, you could give a 10 percent interest to a museum.
She promised the painting, valued at about $50 million, to the gallery in 1989.
Their haul included a painting valued at £7,500 dated from between 1680-1720.
Those paintings, now valued in the tens of millions, had never been recovered, most probably hoarded by some private collector.