Kalighat painting originated in 19th century Kolkata as a local style that reflected a variety of themes including mythology and quotidian life.
Both paintings and visions originated in the human brain, and something in my brain had changed.
Over a thousand drawings, sketches, designs and paintings originate from his pre-Terezin years.
- The costumes and settings in which the figures are depicted are a reflection of the culture of Andhra, where these paintings originated.
The painting, he speculated, "originated in the sordid, depraved imagination of someone who has no conception of actual conditions in our service."
The painting originated in a place named Tanjore (modern name: Thanjavur).
The earliest paintings in Pahari style originated in Basohli.
Qiu Shihua's paintings originate in traditional Chinese landscape painting.
Miniature painting originated in Iran as a tradition for illustrating royal books.
Most mass-produced prints and paintings originate in Asia.