His first job was designing scenery, making textiles, and painting murals.
With a growing family of three sons, he turned to illustrating books, writing, researching, editing and painting commissioned murals to support them.
After gaining popularity he took up painting murals for Chinese nobles.
During this week the students are allowed to choose from a variety of activities that include making jewellery, painting murals, and learning to belly dance.
It also has painting murals depicting some significant legends, the indigenous tribes and major attractions of the province.
After 1951 he devoted himself mainly to painting murals in private homes.
Some of us are building arches, some painting murals, some carving in stone.
But others have taken a more innovative approach: painting murals on their walls to discourage the graffiti writers.
After her return to the United States she kept on painting murals until 1940, when she went to Europe.
George shocks her by painting murals in her room.