Photographs, paintings and a series of small chamberlike installations lined the way into the theater for a performance of "Grimm" on Saturday night at the Duke on 42nd Street.
Classy, if impenetrable, abstract paintings lined the walls, and there was a picture window looking directly out at the sea with a fine view of the Palace Pier.
Her paintings line a white corridor that leads from one theater to another, in a witty re-creation of a downtown gallery opening.
"Change is the most difficult thing," Mr. Turgut said, sitting in the rector's office, where paintings lined the walls.
The installation includes wall-to-wall calligraphy, woodblock prints, paintings and a tentlike woman's white hooped skirt lined with a map of the world in which the Southern Hemisphere is on top.
Everyone else's paintings straightforwardly line the outside walls.
Lively music plays in the background, paintings line the walls, soft chairs are scattered on plush carpet near the doors, and employees circulate among the customers, offering advice, freshly baked brownies, water and coffee.
Inside the well-lighted shop, paintings lined the walls, and sculptures sat displayed atop narrow tables in the middle of the room.
The paintings lined the walls in tiers trailing many feet to the ceiling.
Priceless paintings lined the walls.