The painting was given to the foundation by an anonymous European collector.
According to the owner, the painting was given to her grandfather by Casson, his friend and neighbor at the time.
Recently, painting and music have been given a boost by local organizations promoting cultural events.
The paintings, he said in a telephone interview, were given to him by the director of the foundation from which the Smithsonian received them.
This painting was given to the Barnabite religious order in 1663.
These paintings and sculptures, often donated by the artists themselves, were given in order to support this Britain's first home for abandoned children.
The painting was given a value of approximately £40,000 - £60,000 by the roadshow.
He asked that his paintings of the seacoast be given to Fujitsubo.
By the end of the 1920's the painting had been given to the Jesuits.
The painting was given to the foundation by a European collector who wishes to remain anonymous.