But a comparable amateur painting wouldn't hold the same fascination.
"I hope the big wall drawings and paintings will hold one's attention longer - that the more mysterious side of the narrative will take over."
But on closer examination the painting did not hold its light.
In two especially impressive little paintings from the mid-60's, gigantic hands hold burning houses.
Dutot's public painting now holds cultural significance to many Sydneysiders.
The paintings hold a complicated significance regarding the state of American life.
And why do his paintings hold their own on gallery walls, instead of looking like runaways from a very good magazine?
Mr. Trump can't know the meaning this painting holds for me.
Unlike most of the other work in the show, the paintings hold your attention because they are not easily reducible to single points.
The new paintings may hold the eye longer than their predecessors, but in the end they are nearly as chilling and unsatisfying.