Together, paintings and sculptures evoke a sensuously material world infused by orgasmic energy (Johnson).
Both paintings show humans and animals interacting together, and evoke a sense of community because the people are portrayed as trying to accomplish something.
His abstract paintings with their lucid beams of light evoke concealed depths.
His words as well as his paintings however evoked atmosphere.
The other four paintings of the same image evoke black-and-white newsprint.
Her paintings evoke the dramatic, colorful themes of the period of her life.
At 11 by 20 feet, the biggest painting evokes a dissonant metropolitan dynamism (Johnson).
Her paintings evoke tranquility, and solace but also solitude.
England is portrayed as an amusement park, but the painting in its surface benignity evokes all the horrors of war.
To a modern day audience his paintings may evoke childhood memories of holidays on the coast.